Stan reports on his effort to promote a shift in public attention to and participation within a milieu of “helpfulness”. While I fully commend and support Stan’s effort, his project stimulated a cascade of thought and insights related to “helping”. The following illustrates what happens when nuet is stimulated to output information to Larry’s fingers….

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Although this (Fixing the Economy) appears to be an “objective” (or “goal”?) of many, if you think a bit deeply, “the economy” isn’t a “thing” capable of “fixing”. A process that would take decades and whose action (fixing) would be continually modified during the duration, stretches the meaning of “fixing”. An “economy” is a complex…

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Larry/nuet opens to Joe Brewer

I started this as a personal email to Joe Brewer – and it remains a personal message. However, it is relevant to everyone, so I share it here. ————————- Joe, I just read your magnificent How It Feels to be A Designer of Culture. I great appreciate your very personal sharing, as I feel such…

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NESTED SCENARIOS At a fine grain, a scenario would be as a video simulation of every human, interacting with other humans, things, and sems (texts, graphics). To forecast even examples of such fine grained scenarios would depend on the culture, age of the person, and status of conditions – such as war or peace, economic…

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Larry/nuet and Others : UTILITY

This note is addressed to those about to read a doc by Larry/nuet where some of their ideas or writings are critiqued from the context of Larry/nuet – but not to be taken as criticism. Larry/nuet doesn’t believe he is “superior” to other humans, although his differences may be significant and useful. The very concept…

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To start off, we are caught in a familiar dilemma: (1) A useful initial abstract or summary often cannot be created without using terms and concepts later to be developed in the whole essay. Summaries and abstracts are only useful when the essay develops only a few new concepts related to established knowledge and uses…

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Conserapedia & CAMERA are phenomena to be investigated: sophisticated right-wing propaganda. They are “Wikipedia”-type gateways to the Alternative Realities of significant sub-populations in the USA. << PROPAGANDA >> Conspiracies have us think of “propaganda” as strategic information aimed at shifting the views of others; enemies use “propaganda” on each other. The real use of PROPAGANDA…

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