essay: CONTEXTS vs Societal THEORIES

INTRODUCTION    Full essay: This essay explores a significant query: To what extent may our scientific knowledge of systems not containing humans (or involving direct human interference during the interval studied) NOT APPLY to our knowledge gained from the “scientific” study of systems with humans as primary components and/or participants? Here I offer, for consideration, four…

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I live in Tucson, Arizona and will now be careful where I travel, or chose to move. We seem safe from most disasters; with some drought in the future  If I lived along the coast of the NW USA I would move away ASAP. At any time in the future there will be a gigantic…

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PLEASE, if you have access to those working on the Bernie Sanders campaign, please get this suggestion to them. SUGGESTION: Run your presidential campaign as a formal Presidential Executive TEAM. This might insure VICTORY. Select your VP, cabinet members and other key presidential appointments NOW, and promote them as a well organized team, during your…

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Note on Emotional/Intuitive Denial

We are all in emotional/intuitive denial.  I am, in spades.  My daily life is in sharp contradiction to my forecasts and clear knowledge of what I should be doing. At 80 I get further and further away from actually realizing my coming death. I can’t act as if I was mortal. We should be acting…

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PLAST and Pattern Languages

I must start with an BLAST of PRAISE for THE MOST STUPENDOUS proposal I have ever read. The proposal is formal and is being submitted for support, thus I cannot provide access to the text of the proposal at this time. Access to information on PLAST – Pattern Languages for Systemic Transformation can be found in their closed Facebook Group. Request…

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  Powerful image.  Do we “really” know details about how the original builders/users of Stonehenge “thought” and “calculated”, to make these structures oriented to our solar system? What was their mind-set to make them so BIG?  “Gigantism” seemed to have been a common drive in antiquity (and today with our mania for growth). Did they…

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Awesomely beautiful images of a star, our sun: Put aside your knowledge that the sun is hot – with associations of our being burned. These are the normal temps of the sun, and the processes that exist in these temp ranges. The nuclear fusion engine deep in a star is a “factory” producing atom of…

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To friends and colleagues.  I was recently sent the article: Wormholes Untangle Black Hole Paradox, a report on cosmology and ultimate physical reality. Responding  to this article lead to write more, of what I need to share with others.  I move beyond physics to speculations on shifts in cultural time. Some may wish to jump…

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