“THE PEOPLE” don’t exist

Do, “The People”, exist ? For some years I have avoided using the term “people”; and use “persons” or “populations” instead. What motivated me was the overly frequent misuse of the phrase, and its variations such as “The American People”, by politicians and media pundits. Unconsciously, they deceptively imply that the whole of a group…

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Election Campaigns MUST be primarily EDUCATIONAL

ALL election campaigns are primarily PROPAGANDA, designed to influence poorly informed voters. There is almost zero effort to uplift the competencies of the electorate. On reason to keep the electorate poorly informed and stupid (unable to reason) , is that all parties and mostly all candidates wouldn’t survive scrutiny by a properly knowledgeable electorate. Study…

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What did NOT happen, on November 8, 2016

The American people did NOT democratically select a strategy for POTUS and the USA for the next four years. What they did (with little knowledge of what they were doing) was participate in a complex process (with many hidden components) that determined a specific human person who will (probably) assume the office of POTUS in…

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Why do Americans tolerate a severely flawed electoral process and democracy? This must be a query, not a question, as there are no short and concise answers. Most persons only grok the inadequacy and usually accept a simplistic faux reason or unproven (or proven invalid) solutions. Even I, only now, sit down to collect all…

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Nuet on Trump – The Phenomenon

Donald Trump as POTUS may, in the longterm, be better for Humankind/Gaia than a Hillary Clinton POTUS. All along the campaign, this was my speculation. I voted for Hillary because I was lazy. The near future under a Trump POTUS will not be pleasant for many, and my own life and efforts re UPLIFT may…

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Dear Friends, I don’t know where your minds are today. Mine is roaming new territories, discovery nu domains of reality emerging within humankind.  Amidst decay at every fractal-like level and place on planet Earth there is an equivalently massive explosion of new creativity of such variation to challenge our imaginations. Kevin Kelly, in THE INEVITABLE,…

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Article/doc by Helene Finidori Patterns that Connect: Exploring The Potential of Patterns and Pattern Languages in Systemic Interventions Towards Realizing Sustainable Futures. Helene, I have just “read” your excellent “doc”.  I have never encountered a doc like this, and I am hard put to say that what I did with it was “reading”. I want…

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NEUROTRIBES – Deep Review/Analysis

NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity Steve Silberman ———————– email reply from Steve Silberman 09/26/2016 Larry: Thanks so much for your deep and thoughtful reading of my book. (I was able to read the first link too.) You totally get it, and I appreciate it. Thanks! Steve ————————————- INTRODUCTION At 81…

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PROPOSITION: With its visual languages, humankind “breaks from the mold” for all life in Gaia. This is not necessarily negative for Gaia, as it was from within Gaia that humankind emerged. At present, humankind’s spreading and effects on Gaia are analogous to cancer metastasizing in an organism. But, unlike cancer, humankind has vast potential to…

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