Floating Forests on Ocean to Suck UP CO2

If what is stated below is correct, let us manufacture Carbon Sink Platforms to float on the Ocean, each with a desalination system.  Make these islands with habitation, linked as network archipelagos.  Flexible to resist destruction by storms. Home for refuges and for people displaced by rising seas, and places for people to vacate land…

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For as long as I can remember I have been almost obsessed in pushing my transparency on others. Not that I considered myself of special importance; I never attempted to attract special attention to myself, but I also didn’t want to be invisible. If a person was to relate to me, I wanted them to…

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I explore alternative frames/contexts for the world of humans beyond real-time perception. I can’t go into all the different avenues of exploration at this time. Briefly (and hopefully comprehensible) the societal world of local to global “institutions”, entities beyond perception, are phantoms (Latour). What “exists” in the societal domain may have a weirdness analog to…

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JABBER   JABBER   JABBER Endless Inane/Innovative Jabber Human mouths, fingers, ears, eyes, saturated and exhausted. Nobel Laureates & talk show celebrities, pundits & bloggers, tweets & treatises, texting & video, expertise & lay opinion, rants & raves, woo woo – looky looky  what’s new new everyone & anyone are jabbering, jabbering, jabbering. Contradiction, Confusion & Confession,…

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The first week in May, 2014, I was basically alone in the house, doing basic maintenance – with 3 dogs and 8 cats.  My goal was to somehow kickstart a change in life/work style. Organizing/cleaning my workspace, initially intended, has been delayed, as has re-organizing my online presence. Both organizing projects remain needed.  I have…

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COLLECTIVE NEEDS – comment to George Por

I accidentally stumbled on this provocative post by George Por, which motivated me to respond – in length, which is my practice. One more time, periodically over five decades, I drop a sem into a pond. May this pond process my sem (semiotic structure), possibly building to a constructive Tsunami. George, what you are doing,…

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