Speculation: When one reads the usual agenda is to find information useful to the reader, that can be assimilated into their existing knowledge structure. When one studies the agenda is to discover a new pattern of reality, anticipating an accommodation by one’s knowledge structure.  The objective of study is more than to accumulate more data…

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        Gaia Weeps, Potentlal Seeps  – Away.         Will Humankind Uplift? It can, But will it?           NU, the Human/Gaian-bud/blossom flounders.         Humankind birthing Humanity is in question. Always a risk.         Every person drunk on self consciousness, a misunderstood gift;         Delusions of personal will-POWER drowns collective agency.         Earlier, tribal super successes…

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This was in an email sent to the person who loaned me the Pauli/Jung book. The Jung/Pauli book, Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgng Pauli and Carl Jung by Arthur I. Miller, although not well written IMHO, gave me deeper insight into the men who created QM.  They were almost all very…

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I claim, without arrogance, to be the most realistic optimistic that I know of.  Yet, most people see me as a pessimist, always harping about THE FUTURE (which almost everyone believes will be worse than today).     To most people, mention of the future, either short or long term, brings on expectations of negativity.  This…

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The USA Government is DEAD – Speculation

This is extreme for a reason. The parts of the Federal governmental system are still there, banging at each other and having consequences.  But, the whole as ceased functioning, it is dead. Sub-systems, such as The Pentagon and CIA continue relatively independent of the Three Branches, remain.  But, the hacking of rules and the psychological…

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Last night ( 2/25/2013) a healthy, vibrant life ceased to be.  Sam, a large, friendly, very happy cat was killed by a car. The driver, deeply disturbed by the accident, came into our car port as Eloise was coming from the laundry, to enquire whether we had an orange cat. Eloise met me at the…

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SPECULATION: The core rationale for not closing Quantanomo is to block all legal processes re potential supporters of the 911 attack from being conducted in the USA; the concern being opening 911TRUTH testimony that might indicate that “others beyond Al-Qaeda” were involved.     As discussed later, the “others” are NOT FORMAL SOCIETAL SYSTEMS, such a…

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I was presently surprised to stumble across this recent TED production by Iain McGilchrist on the divided brain. It demolishes earlier “scientific” claims about our right and left hemispheres and the “superiority” of the right hemisphere – touted only a few years ago by other TED presenters to great acclaim.  Although the popularized version of…

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final post on FUTURES

TO FABIO AND OTHERS READING THIS POST.  I learn as I compose these posts and I expect they may be useful, in some way, to a few. I realize I write to myself and the future. However, as I comment on frequently, this medium is not really suitable for deep diving in these issues and…

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This exploration was triggered by a comment to me by Fabio Barone in a private YW space:     Larry, maybe we are just too impatient…I am starting to think that the first foremost important issue to the level of collaboration and communication you are referring to maybe to drop our egos even more…if we who…

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