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At times, the relationship between
an author and their works are
essential for adequate comprehension.
The Expectant Gap
¶ 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 When I went to winter over in the Antarctic in 1961, among the reading material I had shipped was the collection of past issues of a journal: The Minority of One. By my claiming Larry/nuet being a unique “minority of one”, I am not asserting any superiority. My unique assets are at the price of many deficiencies and handicaps.
In this sense I fall in the category of “savant”; however my assets and handicaps are not generally recognized. Over the decades I expected to encounter, or learn of, a few others who shared my “condition”. So far I have found none, rendering me a very rare “minority of one”. This was not my choice, nor my desire to be so unique.
¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 In a sense we are all “unique”. Yet, most everyone can find others that share their specific assets and handicaps (for which they identify their uniqueness). Not only have I not found one other person who shares my special/unique asset/handicap profile; there are some who declare that such assets and handicaps are impossible.
¶ 5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 At age 22 I discovered that I lacked “mental imagery” in all sensory modalities. Outmoded studies report 3% lack visual mental imagery; while 7% lack auditory mental imagery. There is great variation in imagery competencies for all sensory modalities. I have no sensory remembrances and have no sensory fields for creative thinking. My sensory perception, in all sense modalities. is less than normal.
¶ 6 Leave a comment on paragraph 6 0 I have recently discovered that I have selected handicaps found on the Autism Spectrum. My stimming has slowly increased from childhood to be a strong obsession, today. Much of my relationship and social motivation history can be traced to this spectrum.
¶ 7 Leave a comment on paragraph 7 0 I was fortunate being raised in loving, extended families in a stable community. My handicaps were never so severe for others to classify me as “abnormal”; although I was seen as “different” and sometimes “weird”.
¶ 8 Leave a comment on paragraph 8 0 This is much more difficult to characterize, and my comprehension of these assets continues to emerge. They are also a gain of novel competencies, instead of a loss of familiar competencies. It is like trying to describe vision to a blind person or speech to a deaf person – but when there are no persons with vision or hearing to refer to.
¶ 9 Leave a comment on paragraph 9 0 I believe the competencies exhibited as my special assets are basic to all human cognition. It is constrained and masked by sensory mental imagery for most humans. I will call this competency set “conceptual organization”.
¶ 10 Leave a comment on paragraph 10 0 Most humans develop expertise in one or a few sub-sub-disciplines. The term “discipline” is used to label the behavior/attitude given to the practice of their expertise (ala Foucault’s Discipline and Punish). Each person will have some knowledge/competencies in a few related “topics”. They will know the labels for many other “topics”; but will be oblivious to a great many other topics, for which others have expertise.
Disciplines/Topics have “conceptual structure” that is related to their shared sems (semiotic structures – e.g., text, graphs, etc) and the language of their discourse.
This can be highly formalized in some disciplines (mathematical physics) or much more experiential in other disciplines (athletics or dance).
¶ 13 Leave a comment on paragraph 13 0 Most humans are not usually aware of the limitations of their personal wrlds. The “larger world” is primarily a myth. Even those whose “scholarship” concerns “extended realities” also have limited experiential wrlds.
¶ 14 Leave a comment on paragraph 14 0 I can appreciate disciplinary expertise, as I earned two PhDs in physics and educational psychology. I could perform A level competency in most graduate courses and passed the PhD exams. Yet, I never identified with any of the disciplines. I never considered myself a physicist or psychologist.
On analysis, I never have “identified” myself a member of a category. I never thought of myself as a son, brother, friend, husband, employee, student, professor, American, etc. Intellectually I knew I was a member of those classes; but I always felt I was “outside” and not “really” a full member. Something was lacking.
¶ 16 Leave a comment on paragraph 16 0 I appear to abhor limiting myself to any category, or to deny myself at least KNOWING OF any discipline/topic, even when I am totally unable to learn detailed knowledge or competencies of that discipline/topic.
I have come to label this KNOWING OF as “ignorance”: knowing OF what I don’t yet know or comprehend, or can’t yet do or experience. What others usually label as “ignorance”, I label “oblivious”. Learning to use “ignorance” should be a theme in all education.
¶ 18 Leave a comment on paragraph 18 0 I am well aware that my “ignorance” is not uniformly distributed across the fractal fields of all disciplines/topics. Indeed, I am highly specialized in my “generality”. Yet, I am assertively open to discovering new topics and find great enjoyment discovering new relationships between topics.
¶ 19 Leave a comment on paragraph 19 0 I don’t intentionally try to formalize a conceptual super-structure for all knowledge, as I suspect it isn’t possible. Indeed, I explore alternative organizations, and have come to view them in complementarities (ala particles/waves).
¶ 20 Leave a comment on paragraph 20 0 My ASSET is to automatically experience alternative CONTEXTS to any finite “conceptual system” I experience. I explore alternative “conceptual (contextual) schemes” for whatever specific knowledge I am encountering.
This automatic tendency causes me great difficulty when communicating with others; especially when they seek my feedback to their presentation of their new conceptual ideas. Instead of offering feedback on details or asking clarification queries, I immediately launch into an often, lengthy explication of an alternative context – WHICH SHOULD STRENGTHEN THEIR WORK. But, this is never appreciated. Instead, it is taken that I am attempting to shift the conversation to my ideas, and away from their ideas.
¶ 22 Leave a comment on paragraph 22 0 It is only recently that I have become aware of this destructive behavior; yet I have difficulty controlling my reactions – as they are exciting insights to me, which I desire to share.
¶ 23 Leave a comment on paragraph 23 0 I make no claims as to the accuracy, correctness, or value of my contextual insights. Indeed, over decades many have proven inadequate, from which I have learned. As a limited human, I’m not arrogant to claim that I can access universal knowledge. Indeed, there are contexts beyond my largest contexts, that I can’t imagine. Yet, many of my insights have withstood the trials of time and testing. I deeply believe Larry/nuet has a unique value to humankind in these critical times.
¶ 24 Leave a comment on paragraph 24 0 At 83, with body in rapid decline, Larry would be quite content to escape, exploring the virtual infinity of his interests. It can’t matter what he attends to, as it will only be an infinitesimal sampling. Yet. I have long speculated that my insights would be of special value to humankind. This appears, to me, more and more evident, as I believe my insights critical to human survival/thrival AND I don’t observe these insights being expressed by others.
I don’t believe myself as “Chosen” to be a “Saviour”. By “chance” my DNA and nurturing resulted in a being with special competencies useful to humankind at this time. Given the rarity of my condition, it is fortunate that this “minority of one” exists.
I frequently “kick myself” for not being more assertive in “self promotion”, or devoting more attention to educating and organizing. Yet, I was quite slow in realizing and accepting my being “valuable”, and I strongly resisted the temptations, as being socially inappropriate. Now, I fear I may be too late.
I also rationalized, that had I gathered a team or community – earlier – to support me, I would most likely have been captured by them and my development limited. Thus the paradox. Yet, there is TIME, as THE EXPECTANT GAP has emerged over these decades and the conditions may not have been “ripe” for Up2Met, had I attempted to catalyze it earlier.
However, given the condition of my body and my limiting habitat/financial situation. I am unable to actualize Up2Met without considerable seafing (supporting, enabling, augmenting, facilitating) by a team of others.
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¶ 30 Leave a comment on paragraph 30 0 With reluctance, I must accept that I will not engage others who “think/create” as Larry/nuet. I must cease trying to write to my “peers” – as they don’t yet exist – I am a “minority of one”. There is a good reason why others don’t read or comment on my compositions.
¶ 31 Leave a comment on paragraph 31 0 Nor should I, as I have been planning, attempt to create/implement an educational process to teach others to think/create as Larry/nuet. This would be as futile as trying to teach me to create artforms, compose symphonies, or ski.
¶ 32 Leave a comment on paragraph 32 0 Larry/nuet’s value is analogous to a Database and a HUMAN CI System (Creative Intelligence). I am open to probes by competent teams. In my essay, Envying Stephen Hawking, my mind/brain may be maintained useful long after my body can’t perform.
It is now accepted that AI systems can perform in ways person humans cannot adequately comprehend. Machine learning is now possible for AI systems.
Thus, it shouldn’t require too much of a stretch for highly competent, professional humans to work with HUMAN CI systems.
I forecast that many eldering, yet functionally competent, persons may become valuable CI Systems. Many mature minds have potentials far beyond what is known professionally. Their more integrated conceptual systems may be of extreme value, beyond their professionally exploited knowledge/competencies.
Might we eldering mind/brains organize to bring this to reality?
¶ 37 Leave a comment on paragraph 37 0 My challenge is to convey Larry/nuet’s value to others, sufficiently that they would form teams to “exploit” me. I cannot expect, at the beginning, any person to devote primary attention to this endeavor.